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In September, we will open two new showrooms in Lublin and Łódź

Już we wrześniu otworzymy dwa nowe salony w Lublinie i w Łodzi

We are in a hurry to bring you fantastic news! After the holidays, we will open new showrooms - this time in Lublin and Łódź. These will be the eleventh and twelfth showrooms operating under our brand. For the first time in history, we intend to open these branches simultaneously, thus accelerating our expansion and giving you the opportunity to use the services in other locations on the map of Poland. Are you also looking forward to it as much as we are?


In May this year, we launched our tenth anniversary showroom in Szczecin. We are very pleased with the response from customers from the province. West Pomeranian Voivodeship, who send us many positive messages, which clearly show that they have been waiting for our showroom in Szczecin for a long time. We are not slowing down and we are already inviting you to our new branches, which will open in September.

 For the first time in our history, we intend to open two showrooms at the same time. This time we chose Lublin and Łódź because we had a very large response from women who would like to use our services in these locations. We always try to meet our clients' expectations, which is why we decided to further expand our brand in Poland and open new showrooms – says Klaudia Duszyńska, founder of Hollywood Hair.


Traditionally, in our new salons, in addition to hair extensions and trichological advice, we will offer you our own cosmetics, supplements and hair accessories, such as curlers, hair dryers and straighteners. Our portfolio currently includes approximately one hundred products. There will be even more in the future. Everything with you in mind. 😊

We can already tell you that our plans include opening more showrooms. We will inform you about the details.

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