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Jak dbać o włosy latem? Poradnik od Hollywood Hair

How to care for your hair in summer? Hollywood Hair guide

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Sun, beach and sea water - the time we have been waiting for, summer, is fast approaching. At thi...
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Czy przedłużanie włosów niszczy włosy: mity i fakty

Do hair extensions damage your hair: myths and facts

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extension _ _ _ _ _ is a popular method thanks to which you can get your dream, longer and f...
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Koszt przedłużania włosów – co wpływa na cenę? Jak zaoszczędzić?

Cost of hair extensions – what influences the price? How to save?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Many of us dream of long and shiny hair, preferably immediately. Even the best hair growth prepar...
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Dlaczego włosy przedłużane wypadają: przyczyny i rozwiązania

Why hair extensions fall out: causes and solutions

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions _ _ _ _ _ are an increasingly popular way to quickly and effectively change your ...
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Czy przedłużanie włosów jest odpowiednie dla bardzo krótkich włosów?

Are hair extensions suitable for very short hair?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions are a popular method that allows you to quickly and effectively change the length...
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Jak dbać o przedłużane włosy: przewodnik pielęgnacji

How to care for your hair extensions: a care guide

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair is not only a decoration, but also an element of our image that affects our well-being and s...
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Czy włosy przedłużane można farbować: porady i techniki

Can hair extensions be dyed: tips and techniques

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Women are more and more willing to choose hair extensions for various reasons. First of all, the...
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Jak często należy wymieniać przedłużane włosy: optymalny czas noszenia

How often should hair extensions be replaced: optimal wearing time

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Women love experimenting with their appearance, including the length and color of their hair. Tha...
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Jak zdjąć przedłużane włosy: przewodnik krok po kroku

How to take off hair extensions: step by step guide

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions are a beautiful addition to hair styling, but over time they may become a bit unc...
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Przedłużanie włosów a ciąża: czy jest to bezpieczne?

Hair extensions and pregnancy: is it safe?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair is not only decoration, but also a source of some kind of identity and self-acceptance. It's...
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Przedłużanie włosów po zabiegach chemicznych: jak bezpiecznie je odnowić?

Hair extensions after chemical treatments: how to safely renew them?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
If you have had chemical hair treatments in the past, such as perming, straightening or dyeing, ...
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Jak zregenerować włosy po ściągnięciu włosów przedłużanych?

How to regenerate hair after removing hair extensions?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions are one of the most popular services offered by hairdressing salons. Thanks to it...
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Jak wybrać odpowiedni kolor przedłużeń dla swoich włosów?

How to choose the right color of extensions for your hair?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions are a great way to change your hairstyle, but how to choose ? appropriate color o...
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Już we wrześniu otworzymy dwa nowe salony w Lublinie i w Łodzi

In September, we will open two new showrooms in Lublin and Łódź

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
We are in a hurry to bring you fantastic news! After the holidays, we will open new showrooms - t...
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Jaki rodzaj włosów wybrać do przedłużania: naturalne czy syntetyczne?

What type of hair should you choose for extensions: natural or synthetic?

Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
Hair extensions are a great way to get a beautiful and long hairstyle without having to wait for...
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Written by Klaudia Duszyńska
General provisions The competition is conducted in the form of a public promise of a c...
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